How Can a NAAIP Lawsuit Affect Your Credit?

An NSAIP lawsuit is a lawsuit that is filed by an individual who believes they were affected by a credit or debit card fraud. It should be noted that NSAIP lawsuits are different than normal lawsuit filings. If you are considering filing a lawsuit, you should understand that they are time consuming and the chances of success are relatively low. To this end, it is important for you to engage the services of a competent and knowledgeable attorney.

NAAIP Lawsuit

When engaging an attorney, it is important to know what type of case he or she specializes in. For instance, if you have been a victim of identity theft, you will want to work with an attorney specializing in cases dealing with fraud. You can find an attorney in your area by contacting your state bar association. In addition, the Association of Settlement Companies can provide you with names of attorneys who specialize in these types of cases. Once you have an attorney, you can discuss the details of your case.

Your attorney will meet with you and determine if he or she can proceed with the case.

If so, he or she will draw up a complaint, which is a legal document that contains all of the information that you would like to present in court. This information includes the name of the victim, the account or accounts under the victim’s name, the original lender of the credit card, and the exact dates and amounts due from each party. Once you have all of the information collected, your attorney will create a template for you to fill out and file with the court. From there, your case will proceed.

When an NSAIP lawsuit has been filed, it is not uncommon for the victim to receive a demand for payment.

Payment can be done in a variety of ways. If the person has money due from the credit account in question, they can offer to pay the balance in full. If they do not, the plaintiff may ask the judge to allow payment in a lump sum. Alternatively, the plaintiff may agree to pay a small percentage of the balance and then pursue the remainder in small increments. Should the credit card company to agree to any of these terms, it is advisable for you to contact your attorney immediately in order to ensure that your case will proceed.

In some cases, victims may choose to file additional suits against the fraudulent activity.

For example, in the case of a judgment stemming from an earlier fraud investigation, the victim may choose to sue the person who committed the original crime in an attempt to recoup past-due funds. In other cases, victims may wish to collect damages from the entity that issued the fraudulent account, such as the issuing bank or a lending institution that extended the credit. Regardless of whether or not victims choose to file additional suits, they will need to hire an attorney to help them move forward with their lawsuit.

Having an attorney on your side will make things much easier.

You are likely to achieve more success with a highly trained attorney handling your case. Attorneys who have handled cases similar to yours will be aware of the best possible way to approach the opposing party in your NAAIP lawsuit. They will also know how to properly research and gather the necessary evidence in order to prove your case beyond a reasonable doubt. They will work to ensure that you receive all the compensation that you deserve.

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