Bus accidents can be scary, whether you’re a passenger on a bus or another driver who has collided with a bus. While many of the steps you should take after you’ve been in a bus accident are the same as if you are in any motor vehicle accident, there are some extra steps that come into play when a bus is involved, like calling an experienced New Jersey bus accident attorney. Here are the other steps to take following a bus accident to ensure your injuries are treated promptly and your rights are protected.

Call the Police

It doesn’t matter if you think other people are calling the police after a bus accident, you should too. This is because sometimes we think others are taking care of this very important task when actually no one is. Police departments and emergency responders would rather get 10 calls about a bus accident than none at all, so if you are physically able to contact the police, do so right away. It is also possible that the bus driver might try to convince passengers that calling the police isn’t necessary, but it’s always necessary.

Seek Medical Attention Immediately

Even if you think you haven’t been severely injured in the bus accident, you still need to get medical attention as soon as possible. Injuries from motor vehicle accidents can show up days or even weeks after the date of the actual collision. You don’t want to lose your opportunity for compensation for any medical bills related to the injuries you sustained in the accident because you didn’t get medical attention right away.

If you don’t get medical attention immediately after a bus accident, you could be jeopardizing a future personal injury case because the opposing party can claim that the injury is not the result of the crash. Head, neck, and back injuries may not become apparent right away, but seeing a medical professional immediately can help you identify potential injuries that could manifest later, thereby protecting your personal injury rights.

Document the Scene

Use your mobile phone to take pictures of the scene, paying specific attention to traffic signs and lights in the area. Whether it was the bus driver’s fault or not, you still need to make sure you are able to support your injury claims with evidence of what happened. If you are a passenger on the bus, you may be able to get compensation from the bus company or the other drivers involved if they are determined to be at fault. As such, you want to make sure you get photographs of all cars that were involved in the accident, along with the bus.

Attempt to get the contact information of the other drivers so that you can submit your documentation to the insurance company for compensation. If they are unwilling to give you their information, be sure to document that in your statement to the police so that your attorney can follow up with them later.


Once you’ve taken these steps to protect your rights after a bus accident, the best thing to do is to contact an attorney who is experienced in bus accidents. They will review your case and advise you on what your next step should be.

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